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Through the excellent use of protein in food, we ensure healthy, shiny hair, great skin, excellent, healthy nails. Therefore, a proper diet with a carbohydrate and a protein suggests eating healthy protein-rich foods in the morning, at lunchtime and also in the evening.

The fact is that the body is practically unable to retain healthy protein “from the body”. If you lose foods in your diet, many vitamins, such as B12 deficiency, will not be available afterwards.

PowerShape – experiences – evaluation – test – Stiftung Warentest

Protein can be the beginning of the animal and also of the vegetable. For a balanced diet you need both. An adult needs a considerable amount of protein every day, depending on the type of activity and body type around 50 or even 100 grams.

  • Interest! However, many Stiftung Warentest people may be surprised by the pure protein byproducts Stiftung Warentest PowerShape test, which also contain the test protein.
  • For example, 100 grams of soy-rich healthy protein is enough, only 35 grams of healthy protein and 100 grams of poultry – in 20 grams.

If you are most likely following the ideal one protein and one carbohydrate diet plan, then you need to know that it is best to eat foods that are high in protein but low in fat.

Here is an example of healthy proteins and useful products!Poultry, especially chicken fillet.

File Turkeythe products made from soybeans as well as soybeansHomemade cheese, low-fat cottage cheese, milk, natural yogurtYou are an eggthe food, especially squida sea of ​​fishwith fat-free beefThe right to strong regulation Morning as well as treats in the evening and also healthy proteins.

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  • The viewpoint of the nutrition experts was divided, one is encouraged that PowerShape is right that the diet indicates the morning of carbohydrates and also, along with the protein classes, one that must be loaded with each meal.
  • So, let’s buy it and deal with it. In the morning, carbohydrates are quickly absorbed in the pharmacy, and they also give energy.

However, not all PowerShape carbohydrates are equally useful.

Carbohydrates can be divided into two groups: slow and fast carbohydrates, as they are also called simple or complex. The latter at DM includes items for a loaf of bread (whole grain), dried peas and also beans (dried), fruits (without heat treatment) and vegetables (the green, tomatoes, dairy products as well as beans).

These products are suitable for the morning meal and also throughout the day, during the daily program, all day, for the day, except for dinner. They will certainly give strength for a long time, a feeling of craving will not come so quickly, as a snack, with simple or fast carbohydrates.

These include:  sugar, white bread, feminine products, islupeni rice, delicious in Germany chocolate (white and milk), bananas, melons, wonderful carbonated soda, honey, most sweet confectionery.

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These products are not suitable for food consumption. For example, in general, sugar and also the future in general must be omitted, as well as honey – in a sensible way, bananas and also melons are present, preferably on days when you have a lot of energy costs.

  1. Fast carbohydrates can be eaten in the first fifty percent of the day, but if you have a second breakfast and consume it first thing, they interfere with the production of insulin levels.
  2. Eating healthy proteins in the morning, guys in the evening hours is natural, it is absorbed in the morning hours in carbohydrates, but it does not mean that breakfast should get rid of the protein food. At the same time, in the evening we do not need , as well as the first energy, and it is better for our protein of the body.

As we have seen, protein and carbohydrates play an important role in a proper diet, and they are so valuable and the food as best as possible to pay attention to the moment for you to consume.You could have carbohydrates for an evening?

Currently, they had all found out by heart in the test report that it was difficult to plan an evening full of treats.

Well done!Now let’s quickly take a look at the cameras, in this case perhaps the carbohydrates, and do the essentials for the evening!Nate Mijaki, author of “Air Conditioning Fast”, has observed very well that carbohydrates can be unsafe or beneficial depending on the context (the situation).

On the one hand, carbohydrates help in the recovery after a hard anaerobic intake (interest! The power or the sprint/ vite), on the other hand, when there is a lack of activity, still (which we will not go into) electricity goes into the oil.

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  1. Basic words, if you are both a heavy and a normal train, you need to regularly recharge the glycogen reserves that will be spending time on these tasks.
  2. If you sit in your office and go to Pilates (that is, a carpet) 2 times a week, then you will be very you.
  3. Well, whatever, the abuse of nature throughout the day’s program will surely produce the same critical result – a collection of imagination.

The amount of carbohydrates, which is way too much, is another problem.

Well, we are for the time of their receipt, as well as not the quantity!Your body is a car. If you use it constantly, then the container (glycogen reserves) is pretty quickly depleted. If your vehicle is in the garage and then charge it as usual, then it is simply not needed.


If you try to fill up the fuel completely, you will certainly wind up, so the fuel is offered on the side, a carbohydrate will certainly be converted into parts (the fat) due to lack of space (the free glycogen depot).

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